Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Ultimate In Submission

Like the submissive sheep they are, the few hundred "Jail the Bankers" demonstrators in Dublin tonight were led away from the Parliament Buildings (Leinster House) and proceeded to queue up and take turns protesting at a Dublin Garda Station then quietly melted away into the Dublin evening.

Dublin and Ireland then reverted to its standard mode of "whining and dining".

Meanwhile outside Leinster House the anti whatever tax hunger strike continues as the elite and their collaborators look on from their well fed pensionable offices.

So what was tonight all about? 

It was originally arranged as a non-political citizens demonstration, however it was clear the extreme left had taken the lead, the almost professional demonstrator class who always seem to win no argument, the political leaning which deters many and clearly not representative of the disillusioned former Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, Labour, Sinn Fein etc voters.

As people queued to be admitted to the Garda Station in groups of three or four, I realised that nothing will change in Ireland. The elite and their collaborators will continue to rob from the public and not a damn thing will ever be done about it.

As the chant went out from the demonstrators "Jail the Bankers", all I could think about was "what about the Garda Commissioner?" and "what about the DPP?" both surely complicit in protecting their friends in the cabal and bringing this sorry saga to the verge of evaporating with the Statute Of Limitations.

What about the previous administration all 'sacked' by the public and living on pensions of two or three times the industrial wage? What about these crooks who permitted the theft from the public, then did nothing to prosecute their friends. What about the current administration sitting on their hands waiting for the Statute of Limitations to kick in, again protecting their golf partners and dinner company.

The sad thing is that rather than having 'enemies of the people' swinging from Dublins lamp posts the night this does evaporate, instead the whining public will queue up to protest, then go elsewhere to dine.

I sincerely hope the rational thinking person of Dublin can look his adult child in the eye in years to come and feel no shame as his grandchild emigrates.

"Daddy what did you do during the war?"........"I queued up to lodge a request to jail someone who is in the USA - then felt great".