Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sean Quinn - The Lies Continue

Sean Quinn is still clinging to the belief that he can somehow preserve the Quinn Group for the benefit of the Quinn family and very soon it will be the Irish public who are to blame for his woes.

Mr Quinn said he had, along with colleagues, spent the past year developing a proposal that was "economically sustainable and which would allow us to discharge fully all of our family’s obligations to the Irish taxpayer".
"During this process we consulted with and secured the support of some of the most respected and experienced individuals in Irish and UK business," Mr Quinn said.
He said the mistake the group had made was "an over-reliance on the Irish banking system and the many predictions for continued sustained growth in the Irish economy from some of the country’s leading financial services experts".

Its time everyone took off the 'rose tinted glasses' which show a billionaire playing cards with his close friends on a friday night for 50 cents a hand - how touching.

Lets get something straight:

Sean Quinn is part of a group of perhaps less than 50 individuals who brought this country to it's knees - this man is no hero for the average Irish citizen and rather than blaming economists etc for the Quinn Groups woes, perhaps he should ponder the fact that he gambled the Quinn Group, his familys future and the lives of his workers on a straight bet.

Quinns purchase of up to 20% of Anglo Irish Bank stocks and attempts to dispose of same en-masse was perhaps the trigger or catalyst which brought the already unsteady house of cards tumbling down.

Quinn must accept responsibility for a large share of the deductions every Irish taxpayers sees in his/her pay-packet at present. Quinn must accept his share of responsibility for the reduced government investment in Healthcare, Transport, Education etc over the next 10 years.

"Ireland needs enterprise and entrepreneurs more than ever at this time but mistakes in business should not result in a life sentence."

The "mistake" is understood to refer to the €3bn losses Mr Quinn suffered after a disastrous bet on Anglo's shares as the bank teetered towards nationalisation.

It was that move which gave Anglo the power to seize control of the Quinn empire, since the share capital of the Quinn Group was included in the security for the loan Mr Quinn took to bet on the shares. Mr Quinn described Anglo's move to send in a share receiver over the Quinn Group as "the greatest upset for me and my family in my entire business career".

Hints of the former FAS chief Roddy Molloy explaining of his entitlement to fly first class. Quinn needs to sit down and contemplate all those reposessed family homes, broken marriages, hungry children and even suicides which his greed provided the fuel for.

Quinn was part of this exclusive Bank-Business-Politico group of rats, he knew what he was doing and was not relying on newspaper pundits for his view of the economy going forward. The Quinn Group was earning plent of money, but enough was never enough for these turds - they wanted more, they wanted the kick-back, the brown envelope or the purchase of a bank through slight of hand - why werent those shares purchased outright - why CFD's.

Sean Quinn and Sean Fitzpatrick are the Chairman and CEO of the stinking club of thieves who destroyed Ireland.

Read more: http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/quinn-blames-experts-growth-predictions-151878.html#ixzz1JydDIqOx

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