Confusion within the 'thinking classes' is high.
The primary question above all others which we cannot answer are:
1. BANK GUARANTEE: Why 'Private Banks' have been bailed out by the Irish Taxpayer - if Government loans had been offered to the banks based on the 'health' of each bank in no different a way to the criteria applied by banks to businesses seeking loans, Anglo Irish Bank would have failed, bondholders would have been burned and life would have gone on. Instead the Irish Government introduced the concept of a 'sure bet' for bond holders and ignored the very risk they would have calculated prior to investing in Anglo.
2. NAMA: A vehicle to take all property developers bad debts and have the Irish Taxpayer make good. The concept that NAMA will pursue all developers loans is laughable, as they one by one file for bankrupcy.
3. COMPANY LAW: How nobody has been brought to task for clear breaches in company and banking law - evren those not familiar with banking laws know that overnight loans from one bank to another for the purposes of covering up directors loans prior to year end results must break a multitude of laws.
4. POLITICAL CLASS: Why for the ordinary person there is a cour case and a penal system yet for Irish politicians there is a public enquiry (tribunal) with a report and merely 'loss of face'.
Questions need to be answered and action needs to be taken to understand how the elite class through their political friends have managed to have an entire nation initially 'line their pockets' by purchasing overpriced property (houses), then pick up the tab for the 'range rover class' when they overextended themselves.
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